Can I Brush My Teeth After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

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JulesMannApril 19, 2022

Wisdom teeth removal is one of the most essential and common oral surgery the past century that may undergo at some part in your life. Because removing wisdom teeth help prevent crowding and ensures healthy and hygienic oral health. 

After the wisdom teeth removal, oral care becomes even more critical because good oral care ensures good healing and helps you avoid complications. 

However, brushing teeth after tooth removal is scary because your mouth and jaw can be tender and sore after the extraction. Thus people wonder Can I rinse my mouth after wisdom tooth removal?

Can you brush your teeth after wisdom teeth removal?

You shouldn’t worry about your mouth’s cleanliness because your dentist will instruct you on keeping your mouth clean during the healing process. According to reliable studies, you should not brush your teeth at least 24 hours after the tooth extraction surgery. This will help ease and faster healing, encourage blood clots to form, and protect your teeth socket. You may feel wrong not to brush for that long, but avoiding such practices eliminates the chance of hurting your treatment site. 

However, if you continue your daily practices such as brushing and flossing, it will be appreciatable but a bit risky; you can also brush your tongue and the opposite part of your mouth to minimize the chances of bacteria effects. 

Once you’ve gently brushed your teeth and tongue, many dentists recommend rinsing your mouth with warm salt water. You can do this immediately after the meal to reduce food storage in the socket. However, you should avoid rinsing your mouth vigorously as this can dislodge the clot and cause a long healing period. If you experience pain, swelling, and bleeding after a long period of time, such as a week or more, visit your dentist to know the reason for your discomfort. 

What to do immediately following surgery?

Once your surgery is complete, your dentist places gauze over your socket and asks you to bite it slowly. Also, you should keep it for at least 1 hour. 

As the anesthetic wears off, you may start experiencing some discomfort in the area. Your dentist prescribes you some medication such as pain killer and anti-biotic to reduce pain and soreness. Also, they will advise you to avoid physical activities that may hurt your healing process; meanwhile, you can use an ice pack to relieve swelling and pain where the wisdom tooth is removed. 

How do you brush your teeth after wisdom teeth removal?

You should begin brushing your teeth after the extraction day unless your dentist tells you. For a few weeks, your brushing pattern may be a little different. Here are some tips you should follow while brushing your teeth after wisdom teeth removal:  

  • Be cautious near the extraction site, or you can avoid such a part for a few days. 
  • You should use an extra soft toothbrush. 
  • Don’t rush while brushing. 
  • Rinse your mouth with warm salt water immediately after eating
  • Rinse and brush your teeth gently.
  • Consider mild toothpaste. 

When to brush your teeth after a wisdom teeth removal?

  • Unless your dentist advises, you can start brushing your teeth after an immediate day of wisdom teeth removal resulting in a healthy and infection-free mouth. 
  • However, you should avoid brushing too close to the surgical site because bruising may interrupt your healing process and lead to bleeding and immense pain. 
  • Choose a Soft bristle toothbrush and brush your teeth slowly in a circular motion. 
  • Do not spit the toothpaste because this can dislodge blood clotting that has formed earlier.


Do not brush your teeth on the day of wisdom teeth removal surgery because the first 24 hours are crucial for clotting and healing. You mustn’t interrupt the process; it may lead to infection or heavy bleeding. Furthermore, you’re risking the stitches if you brush your teeth just after the treatment. However, it is advisable to start brushing your teeth after at least 72 hours. And avoid brushing near the surgical site will help your effective and faster healing. Still, if you experience pain, swelling, or bleeding after 24 hours, you should visit your dentist to know what is best for you.

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