How To Stop Bleeding After Tooth Extraction?

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JulesMannMay 8, 2022

Bleeding is common after a tooth extraction procedure, but if your bleeding doesn’t stop, call your dentist immediately. To avoid excessive bleeding after tooth extraction, you must take proper care, and this blog will help you with some aftercare tips after your tooth extraction.

  1. Use gauze to Control the Bleeding.

Keep your wound safe by using a piece of clean wet gauze on top of the tooth socket and folding it into a square, and make sure that it is well positioned on the tooth extraction area to apply the pressure. Take your bites firmly on the gauze for about 45 to 60 minutes. 

  1. Assure forming of blood clots and stays within the tooth socket

Forming a blood clot is essential in the tooth socket during the healing process. Dont touch or disrupt while it is healing. Dont rinse your mouth, and avoid hot liquids.

  1. Minimize extra activities

Avoid strenuous exercise, bending, or lifting heavy objects for at least 1-2 days after the tooth extraction. While resting or sleeping, lie down, as your head should be above your heart, which helps lower your blood pressure and control bleeding.

  1. Avoid smoking

If you smoke, avoid smoking for atleast 2 days as it increases the bleeding.

  1. Eating

Eat soft and liquid foods, and avoid eating hard food after the tooth extraction. Avoid chewing hard or crunchy foods that can cause further bleeding.

What happens if bleeding doesn’t stop after tooth extraction?

After tooth extraction, bleeding is normal for an hour or two until the bleeding is in excess. If your bleeding doesn’t stop, it can be a reason your body cannot form blood clots. 

If this happens in your case, contact your dentist.

How to stop bleeding after wisdom tooth extraction?

During the first 24 hours, bleeding is normal so wait at least a day before taking any steps.  

  1. In case the bleeding doesn’t stop, keep your head elevated. Use pillows to remain comfortably lying for an hour.
  1. You can apply wet gauze with water to the affected site, apply firm pressure, and let the gauze be there for at least 45 minutes or an hour. 
  1. Take plenty of rest after any tooth extraction or dental surgery. Resting for a few days and following the aftercare procedure will help clot the blood quicker. 

How to stop bleeding after tooth extraction home remedies?

Using some of these home remedies can stop blood after tooth extraction:

  1. Using a black tea bag – black tea leaves contain tannic acid, a coagulant. Placing it over the bleeding area will speed up the blood clotting.
  2. Choose food and drinks that won’t negatively impact your teeth and tooth extraction. Dont drink fluids using a straw. 

How to stop gum bleeding after tooth extraction?

In most cases, good oral hygiene and natural remedies can treat and prevent gum bleeding.

Maintaining good oral hygiene can help treat bleeding gums.

  1. Use ice cubes

Hold a small ice pack or an ice cube on the swollen area. This helps bleeding gums soothe. Ice packs are beneficial in relieving minor mouth injuries and reducing pain and swelling. Use ice packs for 10 minutes and take 10-minute breaks. 

  1. Using mouthwash

Use an antibacterial mouthwash that will prevent gum bleeding and kill the bacteria. Reduce inflammation and soothe sore, swollen, and bleeding gums after the tooth extraction. 

  1. Use a warm salt rinse.

Rinsing your mouth with warm salt water can help reduce bacteria, speed up your healing after tooth extraction, and stop bleeding. You can make an oral salt rinse by adding half a teaspoon of salt to 8 ounces of warm water. Keep that salt rinse in your mouth to cleanse the area, then spit out the liquid. Repeat this process several times a day. Ask your dentist for more information.

  1. Apply a turmeric paste 

Applying a turmeric solution paste on your bleeding gums will improve the bleeding flow; turmeric has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Using a turmeric solution on the gums may improve the symptoms of gingivitis and bleeding gums.


It is essential to treat bleeding gums; ignoring them can cause further dental issues. You can use hydrogen peroxide to rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth. Keep your mouth hygienic and healthy to preserve good oral health. Consult your dentist or surgeon who can help you with your dental issues.

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