Melbourne CBD Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Zenaidy Castro Transforms & Rejuvenate Smiles With Non-surgical, Anti-aging Dental Facelift

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JulesMannNovember 1, 2022

Laraine came to our practice hoping to reverse the sign of her aging teeth and wanting to feel confident again about her smile. Though she is on her early 70’s, she live a very active social life. When she was younger, she had always wanted to have a better smile, but due to the cost of raising children and other financial commitments , this ambition was put on hold.

She believed that outer beauty has no expiration dates. Thus she now gave new life to all those earlier dreams of not just having a radiant smile but also of turning back the hands of time on her teeth to erase years from her appearance. She wished to appear more youthful and refreshed. And she wanted something non-invasive and non-surgical.

Upon examination, many characteristics of her teeth and smiles reveal the signs of aging. The color, shape, and length of her teeth displays changes due to normal wear and tear.

We  completed  a thorough evaluation of her facial profile, smile, and teeth. The evaluation helps us determine what types of restorative or cosmetic dentistry procedures she would need to enhance her smile and appearance.

We created a custom treatment plan for her to help achieve the best results. We base our treatment on several aspects including the angulation and shape of her bite opening and teeth,  length of her existing teeth and the shape of her face with the aim that the procedure would smooth out wrinkles or reduce fine lines on her face, make her lips look fuller, and produce natural-looking results.

Anti-aging treatment that reverses facial aging! Treatment Overview

We were honoured and thrilled to assist Laraine in achieving the youthful, revitalised smile she had always desired when she asked us to change the appearance of her smile. A dental procedure called a non-surgical dental facelift was performed on Laraine.

A non-surgical facelift is a dental procedure that reduces the signs of aging on the face through different cosmetic and reconstructive dentistry treatments. By rebuilding the teeth, we’re able to rebuild your facial structure that contributes to a more youthful appearance.

We performed a combination of Dental Ceramic Crowns and Porcelain Veneers on all her teeth. Whiter teeth have always been associated with health and youth so Laraine choose a whiter smile.

We lengthened the teeth as longer teeth and teeth that display translucent edges portray the “younger you” before your teeth were worn down. Also, by lengthening the teeth, it have an effect of  smoothening out wrinkles. It can also reduce fine lines on your face, make your lips look fuller.

We opened the bite to correct the over closure that can occur with tooth wear and this will fill the marionette lines from the corners of her lips to her chin.

We also fill out the cheeks to broaden the smile.  By expanding the teeth in the premolar and molar region imparts more fullness to the cheeks and eliminates the dark corners when you smile, creating a support of the cheek muscle thus it helps with sagging facial muscles.

After her non-surgical, anti-aging dental facelift procedure with Porcelain Veneers and Crowns, Laraine told us  how thrilled she was and how people are always complimenting her youthful smile and how she look younger, healthier and happier.

See more of our Non-surgical Anti-aging Dental facelift BEFORE AND AFTER

Best Days Ahead

If you’re tired of feeling embarrassed by your smile and wanted to look younger, it’s time to consider how Dr. Zenaidy Castro  of Vogue Smiles Melbourne can help you transform your smile. Offering a wide array of general and cosmetic dentistry solutions, we also offer Anti-aging dental facelift procedures that can breathe new life into your smile. To kick-start your journey to a more youthful appearance contact us today at (03) 9629 7664 to schedule a consultation. Alternatively, you can MAKE AN ONLINE BOOKING HERE

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