How Long Does It Take Gum Grafting To Heal?

Jack MartinNovember 10, 2022

Are you a suitable candidate for gum graft surgery? If you are suffering from gum recession, you must need gum graft surgery to fix the gum-receding issues & prevent teeth loss. A periodontist performs the procedure by eliminating gum tissue from the upper part of the patient’s mouth and keeping it in the area to be treated. If you want to avoid the recurrence of gum issues, it is necessary to observe the gum graft healing stages

The gum graft surgery procedure:

Your periodontist will numb the affected area using local anesthesia. They may remove the existing gum tissue to expose and clean the tooth root. Sometimes, they will administer general anesthesia so the patient will sleep during the process.

After that, they will start the gum tissue graft process. Gum grafting may be of three types: pedicle graft, free gingival graft, connective tissue graft, and pedicle graft. Your periodontist may use gum tissue from a tissue bank instead of extracting it from your mouth’s upper part.

Lastly, they will seal the graft and ask you to rinse your mouth with an effective antibacterial mouthwash. They will instruct you to be in the hospital for one to two hours so that they can monitor your condition after the procedure and determine if you are experiencing any issues after the procedure.

What Are The Gum Graft Healing Stages?

Usually, there are two stages of gum grafting that will offer you an entire safe & complete recovery.

Gum graft healing stages:

  • Healing of the gums: If there is less swelling and the soft tissues are shrinking, healing has started. Over time, the gum tissues also begin to bind to the root and bone surface. Slowly & gradually, new blood vessels begin to form, and the tissue will receive sufficient blood supply. This healing stage completes four to six hours after the surgery.
  • Healing of the palate: This stage may take a little longer than the gum graft and may complete in six to eight weeks after the surgery. You may initially experience a hot sensation that will remain for around fourteen days. The healing period may be complete in two months if there is soreness or tissue removal may result in an exposed bone.

Post-Operative Instructions:

As you progress through the post-operative stage, your surgeon will provide instructions.

  • You must adhere to them to avoid unpleasantness.
  • Your periodontist gives you both antibiotics and painkillers.
  • For at least one day, avoid physical activity like carrying heavy objects.
  • If bleeding occurs, apply gauze to the site’s sides rather than immediately on top.
  • Your dentist will give you a palatal stent to safeguard your palate while it heals. Following the removal of the stitches reduces bleeding and keeps the wound site clean.
  • After the procedure, refrain from brushing or cleaning your mouth.
  • Avoid brushing your tongue, and keep it away from the surgery site. Maintain the dressing in its current location and avoid lifting or pulling your lips to look at the wound.
  • After a few days from the procedure, use mouthwash to prevent the spread of germs.
  • While healing from the surgery, consume only cold and soft foods.

The best foods to consume during recovery are these:

  • Yogurt
  • Cheese cottage
  • Icy dessert
  • Gelatin
  • scrambled or soft-boiled eggs
  • vegetables that have been boiled or cooked until they are tender
  • Some individuals may need much time to progress through the gum graft healing stages.

For some patients, the full recovery of their gum tissues takes four to eight weeks. The amount of tissue removed from the patient’s mouth’s roof, as well as its thickness and area, will also affect how long it takes for the wound to heal.

If you feel any of the following after the procedure, you should get in touch with your periodontist right away:

  • Bleeding that continues even after 20 minutes of pressure application
  • You feel uncomfortable and persistent pain, bruising, and swelling.

I hope you like our article on how long does It take gum grafting to heal. If you have questions regarding the gum graft procedure, schedule an appointment with your local dentist.

Keep connected with for more reliable information on different oral treatments.

Read more: How To Stop Receding Gums From Getting Worse

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